
Tea Dance

News Feature “What happens with Seniors who dance on a regular basis is they will find that their balance improves that their strength improves. That their confidence goes way up,” says Kathryn Roszak, founder of “The Next Step” movement for seniors.

Music to their Ears

People with dementia, if isolated, can withdraw into their own world. But when engaged with others, their condition, or at least their wellbeing, can improve.  A Fairfield music therapist who works with people with dementia has seen physical, emotions and cognitive improvements in her clients. 

Seniors turn to Tai Chi to improve wellness

Video Feature  In this story we go to Oakland where we spoke with seniors experiencing the benefits of regular Tai Chi practice. Originally developed for self-defense, Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese tradition that many now turn to for exercise. Research shows that Tai Chi reduces stress and benefits people with many age-related diseases.


Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. 2011 What is bondage? What does a bondage instructor do? What does his life look like? Meet one through this multimedia piece. Published in Mission Local MAY 15, 2010